TAAP present at the event ´Empleo Incluyente´ in Bogotá

Today we took part in the event ´Empleo Incluyente´ in Bogotá organised by @Usaid @camaradecomerciobog @investinBogota @andi @alcaldiadebogota. A program that incentivises companies to hire people from the 19 different population groups that face the greatest barriers when finding employment.

If you are an entrepreneur, join the movement today to build a more equitable and productive Bogotá. You will be assessed by the ´District Employment Agency´ or with a few of the Public Employment Service’s allied service providers, so that you can get the candidates with the competencies you are looking for in your company.

As Foundation TAAP, we celebrate and support the generation of inclusive spaces and employment opportunities for the most vulnerable populations.

If you are interested in knowing what the 19 prioritised population groups are and the benefits and requirements for companies to be able to participate in the programe ´Empleo Incluyente´ click on the following link: https://bogotatrabaja.gov.co/empleo-incluyente/