what we do

the problem

Thousands of children, parents and teachers in Latin America are victims of violence in their homes, schools and communities. According to Unicef, more than 90% of Latin American families consider violent punishment as a socially accepted form of parenting.

In addition, Latin America’s education systems do not provide teachers with the training they need to address the problems of violence in their schools and communities. And many do not have the tools to offer socioemotional support to children.

The Pan American Health Organization notes that exposure to violence against children and women is widespread in Latin American countries. Exposure to violence in childhood increases the risk of other forms of violence later in life and has significant negative intergenerational effects.

In addition, violence in the form of local gangs or armed groups, drug trafficking and consumption, and crime, is a particularly profitable element for community members who have no other forms of income.


Peacebuilding through the arts is an approach that encourages the use of creative expression to decrease violence. Thus, in TAAP Foundation we utilize creative methods and trainings to teach women, children, and youth new ways to tackle conflict, changing the narrative about conflict and trauma in the long term. 

To break the pattern of violence in the communities, it is necessary to change the mindset and develop alternative ways to think how to solve conflicts. 

TAAP Foundation is one of the principal defenders of human rights in Latin America and has been recognized for the development of peacebuilding programs.

We are dedicated to promote systematic changes to sustain creative peacebuilding on behalf of the most vulnerable in the communities affected by violence. 

In TAAP Foundation, our work is completely focused in peacebuilding through the arts, understanding that peace is only made possible when the pattern of violence is broken through a change in the narrative and its relations. 

We collaborate with communities affected by violence, use creative workshops and training to deal with trauma and conflict, and develop community ecosystems to guarantee 

that the people have the opportunity to build a peaceful vision for the future.

Through workshops, trainings and relationship building at systematic levels, our methods are based on the investigation that promote empathy, trust, and tolerance to help each member of the community address conflict in the most peaceful way. 

Our theory of change affirms that we can construct a more peaceful future for the communities affected by violence through: 

  • Helping the basic needs of the most vulnerable
  • Implementing workshops and trainings for women and children, so that they can tackle violence in the most peaceful way and have strategies and abilities to vision a more peaceful future
  • Creating bigger communal ecosystems and advocate for measurable and of high impact peacebuilding programs at systematic levels.